Movin' Out
This is a milestone day in the history of this blog, which began on July 11, 2004, with a post titled "What's Going On." Effective today, this blog is moving to a new site. Please update your bookmarks to It'll still be The Hits Just Keep On Comin', but it will live at a different address. (If you get this blog via an RSS reader, such as My Yahoo, the new feed link is
Why move? The tool I use to create this blog, Blogger, is often cantankerous, and Blogger's user help is nearly nonexistent. Neither has caused serious problems until recently. Also, I've been sick of my Blogger template for a long time, but the number of changes I can make to it is limited. There are a few things we can do differently and better over at WordPress. So, a few weeks late for the new year, I'm making a new start--and the move provides a lovely theme for today's Top 5, which is over at the new site right now.
Whoever wrote "sex" is a jerk!
Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you about a broken link on your site. Please email me back and I would be happy to point them out to you.
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